// A simple program to make an embossed hex keychain with the centos logo // Copyright (c) 2016 // -Tom Callaway (OpenSCAD) // These files may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons // Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 license (CC-BY-SA 4.0) // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ difference () { union () { difference () { linear_extrude(height = 5) { import("hexspec-sticker-centos-hex-base.dxf"); } translate([0,0,3]) linear_extrude(height = 2) { import ("hexspec-sticker-centos-hex-inset.dxf"); } } // This is where we add the keychain loop. translate([40, 70, 0]) cylinder(5, 8, 8); } translate([40, 70, 0]) cylinder(5, 4, 4); } translate([.5,5.3,3]) linear_extrude(height = 2) { offset(0.3) import ("hexspec-sticker-wildfly-logo.dxf"); } translate([0,0,3]) linear_extrude(height = 2) { offset(0.1) import ("hexspec-sticker-wildfly-text-thin.dxf"); } translate([0,0,3]) linear_extrude(height = 2) { import ("hexspec-sticker-wildfly-text-thick.dxf"); }